Our Brief
With the challenge of Covid19, Universities across Australia faced a significant drop in admission rates from both Domestic and International students. To combat this drop in enrolments, Flinders University approached Jetek to help gain the attention of Chinese Students looking to study abroad. They approached Jetek to help come up with a campaign that would engage a specific target audience.

Our Pitch
For this campaign, we decided to utilise WeChat marketing to reach our audience. From the 20th to the 31st of March Jetek ran a campaign titled "Go Beyond Scholarships" which encouraged students to enrol in Flinders for a 25% Discount off of the first year of tuition. Jetek used a combination of digital marketing techniques through WeChat ad placements, a custom WeChat landing page and other social media channels to complete the brief.

As shown above, the total of exposures is over 682 thousand, far exceeding the expected exposure. Our Landing-Page received a click-through rate of 2.30%, with a total of 608 users following the official account. In terms of the number of hits, we received 4615 between age 26 to 35, 4432 between ages 19 to 25 and 4369 times for users 45 years and above.
Advertising records